Overview of Unix Commands
This document aims to provide a core set of Unix commands to get you around.
General Unix Information
There are numerous flavours of Unix; AIX (IBM), Solaris (SUN), Xenix, Linux etc.
all of which conform to the Posix standard. Unix often comes with a number
of command shells, e.g. Bourne Shell ($ prompt) or C shell (% prompt
with enhancements on the Bourne Shell) or Korn shell ($ prompt) which have
slightly differing command syntax, although principally they are the same.
The shell interprets the commands that you type.
The 'Tea Sea Shell' (tcsh) is often used in the Linux environment and contains
useful attributes such as 'up-arrow' and 'down-arrow' recall of previous
command entries, and the use of the TAB key to complete commands (much like
the Cisco IOS!). The
shell interprets commands with the operating system kernel. The beauty of Unix
is that hundreds of people can access one box at once and each one can run a number
of programs, a separate shell opens for each log on that occurs, and each user
can have a completely different 'environment' setup, different colours, priviledges,
file and directory access and different shell.
Unix file names can be up to 14 characters long and include the _ and the
. characters.
Every Unix command or filename is case sensitive, unlike DOS, this is the most
common error to be aware of. Commands leave 'notes' for programs (such as printing) that are
'buried' in the Unix system. This is so that one user does not hog one program, many people can
access it. Such a program is called a 'daemon'.
Below is a diagram illustrating a typical Unix file system structure on a box:
An Absolute Pathname starts from the root directory e.g. /user/bin. The Relative pathname
points to a file or directory that is relative to the position that you are in within the directory
tree and this does not start with a /.
Information about users is kept in the passwd file which sits in the /etc directory
along with the other configuration files. For each user there are seven fields separated by colons:
- User name (first part of e-mail address).
- Encrypted password.
- UID (Users ID) needed by the Unix system. User names can change without changing user permissions.
- GID (Group ID). A user may be a member of several groups each having different permissions.
- Comment containing more detail on the user if desired.
- User's home directory.
- The shell to be used by the particular user.
Nowadays, when you are confronted with a Unix box you will come across an X-windows
interface. To get to a command line interface, grab the three button mouse
click the right button and select programs clicking on it with the left
mouse button. In the list of programs that appear select either shell
or command to open a command line window (much like a DOS box in Microsoft
Windows). You normally need to click on the title bar or border before you can
type in the window, sometimes the X-window interface has been set up such that
the mouse moving over the window is enough to highlight the box. Any number
of these command line windows can be opened. Resizing them is achieved by selecting
the bottom right hand corner with the left mouse button (a circle appears) and dragging
the window edges to the required size. Minimising a window is achieved by 'left-clicking'
on the top left corner of the menu bar and selecting close. Selecting quit
closes the window.
Stops a command or program that is currently being executed.
Removes you from the current environment, this will log you out of the system
if you are at a shell prompt.
Ctrl-h, Del
Deletes the last character typed and moves back one space. Unlike DOS, the backspace
key does not work!
Resumes the command that was halted by Ctrl-s.
Temporarily halts the current command being executed, e.g. scrolling of text
on the screen.
Ctrl-u, Ctrl-x, @
Cancels what you have just typed, so that you can start again.
Deletes the current line of text being entered.
Directory Commands
Stands for change directory, e.g.
cd /user/dave
takes you to dave's personal directory. The first / refers to root.
Root is the equivalent of / in DOS. Typing cd without a path
takes you back to your home directory, i.e. where you arrive when you first log on.
Typing cd.. takes you up one directory, whereas typing cd ../user/dave, takes you up
one directory and then right down to the '/user/dave' directory.
df -k
Stands for disk free, gives you the amount of space available on the disk that you are currently on.
Means 'make directory', e.g.
mkdir user
creates a directory called user in the directory you are in when you issue
the command.
Stands for print working directory and prints the directory that you are in to the screen.
Means remove directory e.g.
rmdir user
removes the directory user provided that it is empty!
System Commands
Using this switch after a command causes it to operate in the background, allowing you to continue
using the same command line window without having to open another one.
This wildcard character matches any number of characters and is useful in searches, e.g.
matches all files beginning with 'g'.
This wildcard character matches any single character, e.g.
matches all three character files beginning with 'g'.
Redirect output from a program to a file, e.g.
ls -l > listing
redirects the listing of ls -l into a file called 'listing'.
Redirect output from a file into a program, e.g.
mail john < hello
redirects the greeting letter called 'hello' to John, rather than you having to type it.
Pipe output from one program to another, e.g.
who | wc -l
gives a count of the users on the system.
This append adds the input to an existing file without overwriting the original, e.g.
postcript >> letter
adds the contents of 'postscript' to an existing file called 'letter'.
Means change shell and changes the shell that the user is using. The user will be prompted for a password since
the 'passwd' file is being changed, then the user will need to type the path to the shell e.g. /bin/bash.
This 'echoes' arguments to the screen, e.g.
echo $SHELL
displays the value of the environment variable SHELL. This could return /bin/tcsh (Linux often uses
this shell) or /bin/bash. echo $PATH displays the current path.
The environment gives you the variables set up for the particular user that issues the command.
exit, Ctrl-d
Logs you out.
This lists the jobs running under the current shell in 'job ID' order. You can type bg %jobid
to put a particular job running in the background. Ctrl Z also suspends a job. Typing fg %jobid
brings the job back to the foreground.
This kills a process e.g.
kill 5173
kill the process which has been given the temporary number 5173. This process number is found by using the ps
command. Do not use kill 1 as this kills the system scheduler! If a process refuses to die you can type
kill -KILL [PID] to stop a process immediately without any tidying up on exitting. Finally, kill -HUP [PID]
tells the process that an event has occurred, or a configuration file change has occurred and needs to br reread.
The manual command is very useful for finding out comprehensive information on an individual
command e.g.
man cd
gives all the information on the command cd. Typing man -k mail
lists the Unix commands that relate to the word mail.
Allows you or the administrator to change passwords.
The 'prints the environment' variables to the screen.
The process status command shows the programs currently running. ps -a shows all
the processes being run by all users. An example is the following:
ps -ef | grep erpcd
where '-ef' gets the process number and pipes it to grep which filters on the following word, in this case for the
program 'erpcd'.
The following information is shown:
- PID Process ID.
- TTY Each shell opened has a 'character special' called a 'tty' (held in '/dev').
- STAT State, either 'S', sleeping, or 'R', running.
- TIME CPU time that the process is taking up.
- COMMAND The command running.
Typing ps x shows all the processes relating to X windows, whereas ps ax shows all the processes being
run by everybody. Typing ps ux gives even more information such as the user.
The command set environment variable, sets aside a small amount of memory to hold paths etc. e.g.
setenv GUI /usr/utility/gui_r4
sets a variable 'GUI' with the path that follows to the actual program.
This program can now be run by typing 'GUI'.
setenv DISPLAY :0.0 sets an X window session locally.
These settings are commonly setup permanently in the user's .profile (located in the '/etc' directory). This
can be edited with any text editor.
The following are common environment variables:
- SHELL The current shell.
- HOME The current user's home directory.
- HOSTNAME The name of the computer.
- DISPLAY The X display that the applications are to use.
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH The search path for libraries.
- PATH The search path for applications.
If you wish to append directories to the path then type setenv PATH ${PATH} : /search/here. In order
to use it then you need to cache the new path by typing rehash.
The DISPLAY variable is made up of three parts 'hostname : displaynumber : screennumber'. The hostname is the
computer, whilst the other variables are '0' unless several machines are connected. X windows looks to this
variable to find out where to send the X Windows traffic.
set path
Sets a path where regularly used programs or data are found e.g.
set path=($path /usr/utility/gui_r4/bin)
sets the path '/usr/utility/gui_r4/bin'.
Some commands used to set the environment come from the C shell. In order to check which shell you are running
type echo $SHELL, if this does not return '/sbin/csh' then you type /bin/csh.
The command switch user switches the login user to another user, e.g.
su root
switches to the 'root' login.
Gives a constantly updating view of the top 20 processes (a real time version of 'ps'), i.e.
those that are using the CPU the most.
This displays the users currently logged on the system.
Displays who you are currently logged on as. (e.g. 'root', a user etc.)
xhost +
Opens an X window for a program to run in. After issuing this you would then run the program (e.g. Netscape).
File Commands
The dot is not a command as such. If a file is spelled with a dot at the beginning, Unix treats it as a hidden file.
Configuration files are often preceded with a dot.
The concatenate command displays a file, e.g.
cat bankletter
displays the contents of 'bankletter' on the screen.
cat > newletter
takes whatever you type and redirects it into the file 'newletter', Ctrl-d
gets you out of it.
cat >> existing
takes whatever you type and appends it to an existing file called 'existing' funnily enough.
The command change mode changes the mode or permissions, of a file or a directory. When you do an ls -l you will see in the first
column, a line of 10 characters looking something like 'drwx-w-rw-'. The 'd' means 'directory' (you could have '-' for file,
'l' for link to a file, 'b' for a 'block special', 'c' for a 'character special', 'p' for a 'named pipe',
or 's' for 'socket'). The next three characters
refer to the permissions of the login user, in this case the user has read, write and execute access to the directory.
The next three characters refer to the permissions of the group and the final three characters refer to the permissions
of all users. The chmod command can be used in various ways as shown by the following examples:
- chmod go-rwx newletter removes read, write and execute permissions for users in the group (g), and all other
users, for the file 'newletter'. Using a '+' instead of '-' adds the permissions. You can also use 'o' for others, or
'u' for user.
- chmod 766 newletter causes the file 'newletter' to have read, write and execute permissions for the user,
read and write permissions for the group members and read and write permissions for all other users. Why? Well,
the 7 represents 111(binary) and 6 represents 110(binary) for each set of three 'rwx's. 'r' being set is given binary 1,
'x' being not set is given binary 0. Read permission is '4', write permission is '2',
execute permission is '1' and no permissions is given with '0'.
- chmod 700 dirname results in drwx------ for the directory which restricts access to everyone
bar the owner.
- chmod 664 filename gives -rw-rw-r-- that allows you and your group to read and edit the file
but all others can only read the file.
- chmod 600 filename gives -rwx------ creates a private file that only you can see and edit.
You can change permissions for groups of files with one command by using wildcards such as *.
Use this to change ownership of a file e.g.
chown dave myfile
changes the ownership of the file 'myfile' to dave. This can only be carried out by the owner of the original file. A way
around this is for the recipient to copy the file, then the copied file becomes their own.
Use this to change group ownership of a file.
This compresses a file e.g.
compress myfile
results in a file called 'myfile.Z'. The command uncompress can be used to uncompress the file.
The copy command copies files from one directory to another, or to the same directory with a different name, e.g.
cp bankletter /user/dave/bankletter1
copies the file 'bankletter' from the directory that you are
currently in, to the '/user/dave' directory with a new name 'bankletter1'.
This returns information on the content of a file, e.g.
file myletter
might return 'ASCII' to say that Unix guesses that 'myletter' contains ASCII.
This finds a file or directory, e.g.
find / -name na -print &
this finds a file with name 'na' starting the search from the 'root' and printing the result to the shell window, whilst still allowing
you to carry on using it.
This stands for global regular expression and print and is a search utility, e.g.
grep "325 Victory"
searches the current directory for files containing the text '325 Victory'.
GNU zip compresses files to create a '**.gz' file.
This command followed by a filename, displays the first ten lines of that file.
This is a way of displaying a file, it will give a percentage of file so far displayed at the bottom of the screen, and
you can progress through reading the file by pressing the space bar.
The command link, links files and directories, e.g.
ln -s/export/home/fred usr/fred
creates a copy of 'fred' in the '/export/home/' directory in the 'usr/fred' directory. A 'hard link' is like a Windows 'shortcut', there
can be a number of them, with different names and they take up little space. A 'soft link' is identified with the '-s' switch
and creates a copy of the file elsewhere.
lp (for System V) or lpr (for BSD)
The command line printer, prints a file, e.g.
lp newletter prints 'newletter'.
lpstat -a all
The line printer stats command checks the printer queue in System V Unix.
This lists the contents of the current directory, e.g.
ls /etc lists the files and sub-directories of the current directory.
- ls -l gives a long list of directories including file sizes, permissions, type etc. Using the -a
switch causes 'all' files to be listed including those hidden files starting with ..
- ls -c lists files by creation time.
- ls -p marks directories with a slash at the end of the name.
- ls -x displays the list in rows across the screen.
- Using ls | more is useful for large directories as it stops the screen scrolling, you press the 'Return' key
to advance one line at a time, or press the space bar to advance one page at a time.
You can type 'ls' and then define one or more directories for it to list.
This is another way of displaying a file, it will give a percentage of file so far displayed at the bottom of the screen, and
you can progress through reading the file by pressing the space bar. Whilst in more, if you type v you will be taken
straight to the vi editor.
This moves a file from one directory to another or renames it in the same directory, e.g.
mv bankletter bankletter1
renames 'bankletter' to 'bankletter1'.
pg filename
Displays the content of the file one page at a time. You advance pages by pressing 'Return'.
Option -l displays one more line, option n moves you to the page number specified
by n and options +n and -n moves you forward or backward the number
of pages specified by n.
'remove' a file, e.g.
rm oldletter
removes the file 'oldletter'. Using rm -rf
recursively removes all files and directories below the one that you are in. Using rm -i gives you the
option of cancelling or confirming the command.
Sorts the contents of a file, e.g.:
sort -o outfile infile
The contents of 'infile' are sorted in alphabetical order and fed into a new file called 'outfile', as defined by the switch '-o'.
This means the tail end, this dynamically displays the file that is being written to in real time, e.g.
tail -f logfile
shows the file 'logfile' which is being written to.
The command tape archive is an file archiving command. It creates a single uncompressed archive file from several,
ideal for sending data over networks. Often files are archived, and then compressed using 'gzip'. E.g.
tar -tvf tarfile
displays the contents of a tarfile.
tar -xvf tarfile
extracts the contents of a tarfile. 'x' is extract, 'v' means 'verbose' and 'f' means the file.
tar -xvf tarfile target
extracts the file target from the tarfile.
This just creates an empty file for appending to later on e.g.
touch log
creates an empty file called 'log' that needs to be available for another program to write to it perhaps.
This command uncompresses a 'gzip' file, e.g.
uncompress myfile.gz
uncompresses the file 'myfile.gz'.
The command word count counts the words in a particular file, e.g.
wc letter
counts the number of words in the file 'letter'
Simple Scripting
A Unix script is the equivalent of the DOS batch file. Using vi, the following could be typed into a file called 'new_script':
echo These users are on the system
echo Here is a detailed listing of the directory you are in
ls -al
The command chmod u+x new_script makes the script file executable by the logged in user.
Networking Commands
Displays the 'Address Resolution Protocol' table e.g.
arp -a
displays all arp entries for all connected devices.
arp -d <ip address>
deletes the arp entry for that particular IP address.
The command file transfer protocol attaches you to another IP device e.g.
attaches you to the device with address You are normally presented with a login and password screen.
Commands that are used in FTP are:
- dir - directory listing.
- quit - quit from ftp.
- cd - change directory.
- get or mget - get a file (or multiple files).
- put or mput - put a file (or multiple files).
- bin - sets up your system to receive binary files.
- hash - displays hashes whilst files are being transferred.
- lcd - local change directory changes the directory on your local machine to which you are
sending and receiving files. This is useful as it saves you having to quit ftp to carry out the directory change.
The Hosts file can be found in the directory '/etc'.
This stands for network statistics, e.g.
netstat -r
displays the routing table of the Unix box.
netstat -a
displays alll network information.
Unix uses routed to listen to RIP in order to discover the Default Gateway.
Ping an IP device e.g.
This works like telnet, e.g.
takes you to another Unix machine only. To quit you press 'return', '~', .' and 'return' again.
Ctrl-6 and then Ctrl-] gets you to the telnet> prompt
where typing close gets you out of telnet.
This displays CPU utilisation and gives a list of processes and their share of CPU utilisation, e.g.
vstat 10
displays the CPU utilisation every 10 seconds.
This displays the IP configuration of the box, e.g.
ifconfig -a
displays all IP configuration.
If you want to look at the routing process you can type:
ps -ef type grep routed
to send the 'routed' information to a file.
This command captures the network packets in a readable format, e.g.
snoop -p 23
captures all IP traffic using port 23 (Telnet). use Ctrl-C to stop the snoop.
Useful vi commands
Each command needs to be preceded by pressing the escape key!
i |
insert mode. |
<esc> |
leave insert mode and go into command mode. |
a |
append characters to the end of the line. |
o |
open a line below your cursor. |
O |
open a line above. |
<shift>g |
go to the bottom of the file. |
r |
replace the letter that you are on with the one you type next. |
x |
erase the character that you are on. |
dd |
delete the line that you are on. A number before dd deletes
that number of lines. |
yy |
copy the line you are on. A number before yy copies that
number of lines. |
p |
paste the line you are on below you. |
P |
paste the line you are on above you. |
:wq |
write and quit the file that you are editing. |
:wq! |
write and quit the file that you are editing, even if it is
designated as read only! |
:w! |
write to a read only file. |
:q |
quit. |
:q! |
discard any editing and quit. |
/ |
this takes you to the bottom of the window where you can type a
string and return to perform a search in the file. |
(The character ! is often referred to as pling)
You can use vedit which is vi with more user friendly additions and also ed, or emacs.