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LON stands for Local Operation Network and LonWorks was developed by Echelon Corporation in 1988 as a networking platform to support control applications. Originally known as LonTalk it was accepted by ANSI as the standard ANSI/CEA-709.1-B. Ecehelon also had their power line and twisted pair signalling systems accepted as ANSI standards. In Europe LonWorks became the standard EN 14908 and internationally, in 2008, the following standards were issued:
  • ISO/IEC 14908-1 - Communications Protocol
  • ISO/IEC 14908-2 - Twisted Pair Signalling Technology
  • ISO/IEC 14908-3 - Power Line Signalling Technology
  • ISO/IEC 14908-4 - IP Compatibility
LonWorks is a peer-to-peer protocol and can run on twisted-pair, Ethernet or power wiring. A network configuration tool such as LonMaker is used to configure the data exchange by binding the input of one device to an output of another device. The Neuron chip is the silicon that contains all of the networking firmware and is made by different manufacturers. The programming language used within the Neuron chip is Neuron C.


Neuron Chip

The whole LonWorks protocol stack (formerly LonTalk) is contained on the Neuron chip along with three CPUs, memory, input/output circuitry, the firmware and the operating system. There are two forms of the Neuron chip:
  • 3120 - has a fixed amount of RAM and EEPROM depending on the manufacturer and cannot be expanded. The ROM contains the System Image consisting of the LonTalk protocol , the operating system and the I/O libraries
  • 3150 - has all that the 3120 has, but in addition contains an external data and address bus to allow for expandable RAM and EEPROM up to 64KB in total. The System Image must be stored in the first 16KB of external memory.
As well as the System Image there is the Comm Image that has to be loaded into memory and this determines the parameters for communication such as speed and media type. The Network Image has the logical address of the device along with the destination device address and message type. The final image is the Application Image that contains the custom algorithms.

The Neuron chip contains three CPUs which are:
  • Media Access Processor (MAC) - sends, receives and checks the message destination address and CRC.
  • Network Processor - routes packets, sets the destination address, detects duplications, performs acknowledgements and retries message sends if necessary.
  • Application Processor - runs the custom applications.
The 5-pin transceiver interface can be configured for Single-ended Manchester encoded (RS485), Differential Manchester encoded (twisted-pair) or Special Purpose Mode (Power Line). Any number of Inputs and Outputs can be added to the Neuron chip and will depend on the manufacturer and the application. The I/O firmware library allows the manufacturer to configure many combinations for the I/O models.

Each Neuron chip has its own unique 48-bit Neuron ID and is used to identify specific devices in the same way that MAC addresses are used in Ethernet. The Neuron ID cannot be changed so swapping devices becomes problematic if you use the Neuron ID directly as a way of addressing devices. For this reason Logical Addresses are used at the Network Layer of the LonWorks Protocol.


Control Network Protocol Frame Format

The LonWorks messages are sent within a frame that is structured as follows:

CNP Frame Format
  • Bit-sync - a configurable number of set bits (1s) to act as the preamble.
  • Byte-sync - set to 0 and marks the end of the preamble.
  • Pri - Priority used with Predictive P-Persistent CSMA. A value of 0 is used for non-priority frames, and a value of 1 is used for priority frames.
  • Path - A special purpose mode transceiver can be interfaced to two physical channels or to two physical bit encodings on the same channel. A value of 0 is used for the primary channel and a value of 1 is used for the alternate channel.
  • Delta Backlog - used to adjust the number of slots for randomising access. Receiving devices add this value to their backlog estimate to account for transmission of this frame.
  • Network Layer Datagram
    • Version - Always 0
    • Packet Format
      • 0 - Transport Packet
      • 1 - Session Packet
      • 2 - Authenticated Packet
      • 3 - Presentation Packet
    • Address Format
      • 0 - Subnet Broadcast
      • 1 - Group
      • 2 - Subnet, Node or Group Acknowledgement
      • 3 - Neuron ID
    • Length
      • 0 - 0 bytes
      • 1 - 1 byte
      • 2 - 3 bytes
      • 3 - 6 bytes
    • Address - 3 to 9 bytes
    • Domain - 0, 1, 3 or 6 bytes
    • Packet
  • CRC-16 - the CCITT standard CRC check which is X16 + X12 + X5 + 1. The polynomial is computed over the entire packet and link layer header.
An idle period is considered to be anything over 2 bit times and marks the end of a frame.

Control Network Protocol

The LonWorks Protocol (formerly LonTalk) follows the OSI seven layer model for its structure.
  • Layer 1 - Physical - EIA/TIA 485, Power Line and Free Topology (FT).
  • Layer 2 - MAC - there were improvements on Ethernet's Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) algorithms (see below). Also, Bi-phase Space Encoding (a variation of Differential Manchester Encoding is used so that it matters not which way around the communication wires are terminated.
  • Layer 3 - Network - Each Neuron chip can be assigned two logical addresses and up to 15 Group IDs. The addressing is hierarchical, beginning at the node's 8-bit Domain ID, followed next by the 8-bit Subnet ID and then the 8-bit Node ID. A node can be a member of a number of multicast groups, again each group address, or Group ID represented as a single byte. There can be up to 256 multicast groups in a domain and 255 subnets, and each one can have a 127 nodes. A domain's address can be encoded either as zero in length, as a single byte, as three bytes, or in order to ensure uniqueness, a six bytes. This addressing regime enables simple routing of packets across links. The routing tables have an array of 256 bits deciding whether or not a message can pass across the router to a given subnet. Members with the same Group ID can be anywhere within the Domain and can cross routers.
  • Layer 4 - Transport - message duplication and re-transmission is handled at this layer. Messages can use Reliable Services (requiring an acknowledgement or response) for both unicast and multicast, or Unreliable Services can be used. The total transaction time on the receiver end, the number of retries and the time between retries can be configured.
  • Layer 5 - Session - management of requests and responses occurs here. A message response is saved temporarily in case a retry is required thereby saving a message having to be re-created and re-transmitted.
  • Layer 6 - Presentation - data items are identified here and the semantics are created of how the data is passed to the Application layer, the model used is a Publisher-Subscriber model.
  • Layer 7 - Application - Network Variables are specific data types such as temperature in degrees Celsius plus high and low limits. If a Network Variable Output on one device is Bound to a Network Variable Input on another device, then a published change will be sent to each Subscriber of that value. Other features at the Application Layer are as follows:
    • Automatic Node Discovery
    • Automatic discovery of network interfaces
    • Automatic discovery of Network Variables
    • Automatic discovery of Functional Profiles
    • Node software upgrades


CSMA has been adopted and augmented to provide more efficient ways of allowing station access to the transmission medium.

P-Persistent CSMA

P-Persistent CSMA provides access to the medium by way of slots. If there are 10 slots then the probability (P) of accessing the medium is 0.1. The more slots that are created the more random the medium access is and therefore the less chance there is of a collision. On an idle network there is still an average delay of accessing the medium which is given by number of slots / 2.

Non-Persistent CSMA

With Non-Persistent CSMA a station randomises when it accesses the medium which is useful when there is a burst of activity and a number of devices may be responding to a single event.

Predictive P-Persistent CSMA

Using Predictive P-Persistent CSMA an important device may be given prioritized access to the link when the network is congested. A number of randomizing slots can be assigned to specific stations just for their use. A station with this MAC priority privilege may use the dedicated slot and avoid all link access contention.

When a station sends a message, the number of response packets the message will generate is placed in the Layer 2 header and is known as the Link Backlog Increment, the sender must keep track of responses so it knows when to stop retransmitting. The nodes on the link receive the packets and look at the Layer 2 header to view the increment of the link backlog. This backlog is used to adjust the number of slots they randomise for their own link access which goes up when there is more traffic, and goes down as traffic diminishes.

LonWorks protocol modifies the number of randomising slots based on the short term future. The protocol's MAC algorithm for a peer-to-peer network has been shown to use link bandwidth up to 80 percent of its maximum with a collision rate of less than 4 percent, this compares favourably with Ethernet's CSMA/CD where you can get 100% collisions at 40% bandwidth utilisation (thereby temporarily shutting down the network). It is therefore efficient and requires no knowledge of the number of stations on the link, and no collision detection hardware.

Network Variables

Network Variables are used to communicate between nodes and each has a direction, a type and a length. Each node will have its own set of Network Variables that are created as part of the application programme within that node they can be likened to 'virtual wires' that connect devices. Node links are only allowed between inputs and outputs of the same type which are configured during the binding process. An output variable may send data to multiple input variables on the network (multicast), or multiple output variables can send data to a single input variable or even between outputs and inputs on the same device (Turnaround Connection).

The types of input and output variables are defined within a growing set of Standard Network Variable Types (SNVT) called Snivets. The variable types most often correspond to physical measurements such as temperature, humidity, pressure, levels etc. and the number type such as integer, floating point, binary etc. The master list of SNVTs can be found at, a couple of common ones are listed below:

SNVT_temp - Temperature.

SNVT Index 39
Measurement Temperature
Type Category Signed Long
Type Size 2 bytes
Valid Type Range -274.0 .. 6279.5
Type Resolution 0.1
Units Degrees Celsius
Invalid Value n/a
Raw Range 0 .. 65,535 (0 .. 0xFFFF)
Scale Factors 1, -1, -2740 S = a*10b*(R+c)
File Name n/a
Default Value n/a

SNVT_elec_kwh_l - Temperature.

SNVT Index 146
Measurement Electricity – Kilowatt-Hours
Type Category Signed Quad
Type Size 4 bytes
Valid Type Range -214,748,364.8 .. 214,748,364.6
Type Resolution 0.1
Units Kilowatt-hour
Invalid Value 0x7FFFFFFF (214,748,364.7)
Raw Range -2,147,483,648 .. 2,147,483,646 (0x80000000 .. 0x7FFFFFFE)
Scale Factors 1, -1, 0 S = a*10b*(R+c)
File Name n/a
Default Value n/a

Each network variable on a device has a unique network variable index. Network variable indexes are assigned in order, starting with index 0. A network variable selector is an identifier that is used to match a network variable update message with a network variable within the receiving application. Every device manages one or two tables that are used to match a network variable selector with a network variable index. The first table implemented by all devices is the network variable configuration table. The second table that may be implemented by a device is the network variable alias table. The device uses these tables to translate the network variable index on the sending device to a network variable selector.

Network variable selectors may be reused within a domain.

The network variable selector is a 14-bit identifier with a value between 0x0 and 3FFFx0. Selector values 3000x0 to 3FFFx0 are reserved for unbound network variables. Selector values 0x0 to 2FFFx0 are available for bound network variables.


Messages systems are stored within the Network Image (for easy modification later) and the messages themselves are delivered in a number of ways:
  • UnAcked - Unacknowledged, meaning that the message is sent with no expectation of any acknowledgement being returned.
  • UnAckedR - Unacknowledged Repeat, meaning that the message is sent a number of times according to a pre-determined schedule in order to increase the chance of devices receiving it.
  • Acked - Acknowledged Service with Automatic Retries - this is the default mechanism whereby the receiving device sends an Ack (Acknowledgement) back. If an Ack has not been received within a specified time period then the message is resent for up to three times unless the system has been programmed differently, a Message Delivery Failure flag is set after this point.
  • Request/Response - this polling mechanism is used between applications to obtain data.
Although data encryption is not supported it is possible to implement authentication to check that a sender is authorised to send a particular message. At installation, a 48-bit key is issued to the devices on a per domain basis. The following sequence ensues when an authenticated message is sent:
  1. Authenticated message is sent from the sender to the receiver
  2. The receiver sends a 64-bit random number to the sender as a challenge
  3. The sender transforms the challenge using the 48-bit key
  4. The sender sends the challenge reply to the receiver
  5. The receiver also transforms the challenge using the 48-bit key and compares the two results
  6. On success the receiver sends an Acknowledgement to the sender
Messages exchanged between applications consist of a 1-byte Message Code followed by up to 227 bytes of data, unless the message contains a network variable, in which case there will be between 1 and 31 bytes of data. The range of message types and their codes are as follows:

Message Type Message Code (0x) Message Code (Decimal)
User Application 00 - 2F 0 - 47
Standard Application 30 - 3E 48 - 62
Foreign Frame 40 - 4E 64 - 78
Network Diagnostic 50 - 5F 80 - 95
Network Management 60 - 7F 96 - 127
Network Variable 80 - FF 128 - 255

References and Further Reading

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